Chisel – Mind & Body

health, wellness and fitness tips

Pick A Weight – Wait, It Doesn’t Matter

on October 31, 2014

leg definition

You walk over to the weight rack and look at the dizzying array of choices. You could go with the 5’s. But then again, you could grab the 10’s. Or you could grab both and alternate, depending on the exercise. For lower body exercises you could use the 10’s and upper body, you could use the 5’s. Or you could just go right down the middle (kind of) and grab the 8 pounders. Surely, those are the perfect weight for you.

What we have all realized, taking Chisel, is that it doesn’t matter. Seriously. You could use no weights and still barely walk out of class. That’s the beauty of the workouts. The workouts are high repetition and high intensity. Your body weight is enough. The weights are only an added challenge – depending on how hard you would like to push yourself.

Just remember, the next time you are staring at the weight rack with a look of desperate indecision – it doesn’t matter. Pick a weight, start somewhere and the next time, challenge yourself to bump yourself up to the next level. Once you do, you will never be able to go back – unless you really want to.

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